Global Business Camps (GBC)-Special Gift
April 29, 2021We have had a great response to the 19 – 21 July GBC event to be held at the Hilton Surfers Paradise.
This will be a truly amazing event and we are keen to get as many of our clients and friends there as possible. This is a great opportunity while others sit and wait and hope for things to get better for us to get pro-active and actually make things better.
You can even look at bringing some of your key team along as well and we have no doubt you will take a lot out of the 3 days to further improve your business.
Also, a few extra things/gifts to mention:
- Just in case you are wondering. If the event is not able to be run due to Covid we will fully refund people’s course investment (for those who would like a refund) or hold it in credit (if that is what they prefer) until the event is run. We believe however that the event will go ahead as planned.
- For each one of you that attends we have organized a Free Aussie Luxury Holiday (accommodation only is covered and there are minor Govt daily fees to be paid) worth up to $1,000 (drive or fly 3 night luxury holiday). That is a nice gift from us. So not only is all of your investment 100% tax deductable, you will get a massive amount of ideas and strategies and you will also get a holiday.
- Our Money Back Guarantee still stands. If you come along and one idea does not pay for the course investment 10X over we will refund your course investment in full (so we are guaranteeing $20,000 in value!).
- Special offer – FREE trial of our business coaching. We have noticed over the years that post business camp people sometimes do not do all of the things that they planned to do. We find that people get caught up with the day to day and cannot focus on the key things that they need to do. We have therefore developed a structured process to help you get more from the camp.
- Our clients and friends receive very special pricing (we subsidise your investment). Special price is $1,980 pp and is fully tax deductable.
As mentioned above the camp will run from 19-21 July 2021 – we have already booked the first run of flights for around $388 return (direct with Virgin) and we have a deal with the Hilton for $169 per night (single share) or $189 per night (twin share) which includes breakfast each day.
At the moment we have 7 advisors from Indigo attending including myself with quite a number of confirmed clients. Find out more – https://www.globalbusinesscamps.com.au/camp-information/.
At the conclusion of the course we will work with each attendee to create a quick wins, 90 day and 180 day strategy to keep you accountable and ensure everything is implemented.
We look forward to you joining us at the business camp.
Any questions please come back to us.
Finally if you think someone you know may benefit from this opportunity, please feel free to forward this email and let me know!
Quote of the month“You can’t ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.” Steve Jobs |
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