
Why Choose Indigo

Our director has in excess of 30 years in public practice. We believe in working with integrity and having a passion for our work.

At Indigo Financial, we pride ourselves on giving our clients the very best service, products, strategies and processes so that you are dazzled with what we do for you. We strive to be the best – and as a client you should expect nothing less.

We are a boutique business advisory firm, not just an accounting firm. We provide a holistic service dedicated to working with, and for, small to medium enterprises. We are focused on growing your wealth, driving your business and developing your business to create long lasting wealth and to secure your future.

Do you work IN your business but would like to work ON your business?

This is a common story for many businesses. We work with business owners and managers to identify areas in your business that are not realising their full potential and help you improve them to build a stronger, more profitable future.

We can provide innovative solutions when it comes to management, marketing, customer service, team retention, working processes and business building strategies. Our Business Development services are designed to offer you this extra support to help make your business better, more profitable and more valuable.