MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT – Global Business Camps next event will be held from 23-25 March 2020
February 26, 2019Feb 26 2019
Major Announcement
We are involved in the amazing Global Business Camps concept each year over the last 17 years. We have had a number of clients go through the business camp with fantastic results. It has changed many people’s lives so here is some news regarding the next event.
For all of you that have been before, you should seriously look at attending again with your key team. It is great reinforcement and there are many new strategies that we will work through. For those of you that have not been, this is a must attend event that will help drive your business and your life forward.
Global Business Camps next event will be held from 23 – 25 March 2020. Yes, that is correct we are taking 2019 off and putting on a massive event for 2020.
Pencil in the dates now so you do not miss out.
With 13 months to go start planning and pencil in the days so you can be there. It may also be a great idea to lock in a few days after the event just to work through all the notes and re-inforce the principles.
Apart from our lead presenter we have also (see below) already locked in:
John Tsoulos is the Lead Presenter for Global Business Camps. Having worked closely with businesses from different parts of the world, he has vast experience in applying business development programs producing excellent results.
John is involved in a number of businesses and knows what needs to be put in place and followed through on to ensure that business is a success.
John has presented at conferences, business building events, business camps and team building camps in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
In 2001, John developed the 6 Secrets ™ to any business, whilst creating the original business camp program. The event was first run in 2002 for 47 people and after 4 events held in South Australia, the events went to the National scale.
Since then there have been many National events and thousands of people have worked through the 6 Secrets ™ program. The content of the program has since evolved and developed, bringing in many new strategies, ideas and thought processes, but the core 6 Secrets ™ methodology remains. This methodology has been used and mastered by thousands of businesses and the results have been fantastic.
What John has said about Paul Dunn: “He is an inspiration and a great motivator. He changed the way I looked at the accounting profession and what we could do for our valued clients all the way back from 1997, when I attended my first accountants boot camp. His knowledge of business and businesses is amazing. He is a must see speaker and we are so excited and happy that he has agreed to be involved with our event in 2020”.
Key Note Speaker – Paul Dunn:
Paul is a 4-time TEDx speaker.
He is a Senior Fellow in one of the World’s Leading Think Tanks and consults to and mentors leading-edge businesses around the world.
He was honoured as a Social Innovation Fellow in his new home of Singapore; something he shares with film-star and philanthropist Jet Li and Walmart Chairman, Rob Walton.
He was one of the first 10 people in Hewlett Packard in Australia. He then created one of Australia’s first computer companies and then The Results Corporation where he helped develop and grow 23,000 small and medium scale business enterprises.
His training programs are used by an estimated 226,000 companies around the world and he continues to push the boundaries. He recently featured in Forbes Magazine alongside Sir Richard Branson in a global piece on ‘disrupters’ in business.
He is Chairman of the B1G1: Business for Good, the Global Giving Initiative that’s already enabled businesses to create over 170 Million giving impacts globally.
He travels close to 800,000 miles each year speaking around the world ……. and he tells us his baggage goes twice as far.
So just to summarise:
Next event – 23 to 25 March, 2020.
Location – Gold Coast, Resort/Hotel to be confirmed.
Look out for more keynote speakers that will be joining us at the business camp.
Who should attend –
- Everyone that has been before and looking for a refresher or motivation,
- Anyone that hasn’t been before and are keen to develop and grow their business,
- Any key team members,
- Anyone in business that is finding it difficult to find talented staff to join the business,
- Businesses that have stagnated and are not changing with the times,
- Really, everyone in business that is an owner, leader or key person.
Look out for more news to come. We will be locking in more amazing key note speakers shortly.
Find out more about the GBC event at www.globalbusinesscamps.com.au.
E-mail John Tsoulos at jtsoulos@indigofinancial.com.au or Nathan Kentish at nkentish@indigofinancial.com.au or call 08 8221 5262.
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