Land Tax Reforms in South Australia
May 13, 2020Hi everyone,
We hope you are well.
One of the major changes that came into play before Covid-19 was the South Australia Land Tax Reforms. We have been getting plenty of questions on this topic over the last 6 months and we have performed quite a few calculations as people are keen to see where they will end up with the new rules.
Based on all of that and as they are major reforms we have decided to put on a webinar.
We have asked Johnston Withers Lawyers to work through the land tax reforms with us in a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Land Tax Reforms
Time: May 19, 2020 03:30 PM Adelaide
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 940 6643 4120
Password: JW17
So for anyone with property in South Australia or if you are interested in purchasing property in the State this is a must attend event. The session will go for about 60 minutes and will cover off on the rate changes, the grouping provisions, how different structures will be assessed, any structuring opportunities for existing property and future property purchases and more.
Please Register your Interest:
So we can have an idea as to the numbers we will have on the zoom meeting can you please respond to kcotsios@indigofinancial.com.au and state – Yes we will be attending.
See you all on the webinar.
Stay safe and talk soon.
From the Team at Indigo Financial.
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