1/2 Day Event on the 10th of November – The 5 Dimensions of Building a Winning Team
September 18, 2020½ day event on the 10th of November – The 5 Dimensions of Building a Winning Team:
Our ½ day online event to keep you tracking and focused.
This event is FREE for anyone already registered for the 2020 (now 2021, 3 day business camp) and for everyone in our coaching programs. For everyone else it will be at a reduced rate of $99.
This workshop will be a Global Business Coaching event and the event will be run by our lead coach – Alan Short. The event will be on from 12.30 pm (AEDT).
Why you should join us on ‘The 5 Dimensions of Building a Winning Team’ session:
- Do you feel like your team are a crowd of individuals only interested in what’s in it for themselves?
- Do your team have fun and enjoy each other’s company but don’t have great productivity – it’s like a party not a workplace?
- Do you look at other teams that seem to be productive and having fun and wonder, why can’t I do that?
- According to Business Victoria the cost of staff turnover in a 20 person company at average salaries is $57,798 each year! If your team are paid above the average Australian Wage then this will be higher. If you are above the “average turnover rate” – and half of us are, then this cost is higher.
- If you could reduce your turnover rate below the national average then you can save a substantial amount of money every year – remember that this is a saving on your Gross Profit, not total revenue, at a 50% gross profit margin the cost of turnover could be costing you the equivalent of over $100,000 in sales! How much is staff turnover costing you? The most successful method for improving staff turnover rates is a having a fully engaged team. This half day workshop will walk you through tactics and strategies in The 5 Dimensions of Building Winning Teams.
At the end of the workshop you will:
- Understand why teams are important to your business.
- Understand the evolution of a team from a crowd of individuals, to a group, then a team and finally a highly productive synergetic team.
- Have tactics and strategies to build empathy and a communication rhythm with your team.
- Understand why meeting together is important and develop a meeting rhythm for your team.
- Understand and develop a strategy to build a unique identity for your team.
- Understand and develop strategies to maintain your winning team – it is not a once off action, it’s an ongoing process.
This workshop is for you if:
- You own a business and employ a team of staff and contractors.
- Are employed as a manager.
- Want to improve your skills in building team for future promotion.
And best of all, The 5 Dimensions of Building a Winning Team can be used by anyone, you don’t have to be experienced at building teams. Please tell as many friends, business associates and family about the business camp and try to get them there with you.
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